Friday, 9 April 2010

UNDER 12 MATCH REPORT: LEFC 0 - 4 Chellaston "B" - LEFC 2 - 9 (10 MAN) St.Georges'

Goals: Kieron (20th of the Season), Kirk

Assists: Kirk

Man of the Match: No-one

Merit Awards: Our 2 keepers (Nass & Kirk), Josh (never stopped encouraging) & Jake (kept going till the end with some solid challenges)

When I was a kid I use to groan when I got presents that involved making things. If I couldn’t kick or throw a present then it wasn’t worth having. Some things have changed as I’ve got older but I still like kicking and throwing things and I still hate making anything that comes with an instruction booklet.

The other week I had to put together a shoe rack. By the time I’d finished connecting the various bits the finished article looked more like a lopsided mug tree. Any pair of shoes that wanted to hang out on my mug tree would have to defy the law of gravity and no self respecting pair of shoes would want to be seen anywhere near my ‘shoe rack’.

Watching our football team over the last 3 matches has been a bit like looking at my shoe rack/mug tree. Somewhere in there I know there’s a half decent football team but I’m afraid that what I’m looking at on the pitch isn’t it. Sure, confidence has taken big dent over the last 3 matches but unless we have the collective desire to learn and put into practice the basics of man marking, passing, moving and (above all) control of the football, we’ll forever resemble a mug tree with me as Mug in Chief.

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